Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Big Boy Bed!

So we decided to make the big change and put Noah into a big boy bed. I took apart the crib and moved it into the baby's room. Noah was very happy to help me with the whole process, pretty much getting in the way and wanting to take the tools I was using. He kept on saying that the crib was Noah's bed, until I set up the twin bed in his room with his blanket and stuffed animals. He was so excited that he jumped on his bed for a long time. He continued to be excited until bed time, when he realized that he actually had to sleep in this new bed. He kept on saying, "other one" referring to his crib. Poor little guy, change is hard. It took a few times of Jason going in and telling him that he needed to stay in bed, then he finally went to sleep. He learns real fast and is doing well now.

Jason is still working like crazy, we won't even see him today, or next week at all.

Noah is doing better with the potty training thing. Hopefully it will just get better from now on!

Seven more weeks until my due date. Everything seems to be going well. My sister wants me to name her Larryann, after my father. Okay, not really, but that would be a not-so-nice name for my little girl.


Alexis said...

7 more weeks - yay!! I think LarryAnn is a very nice name! :) Good luck with the big bed transition, it took Nora a few days but she now loves her bed! As for potty training her, I am waiting for a while - one new thing at a time!!

Bart said...

Man, what a drag not being able to see Jason much at all. Now you know why Lisa and I have had to go to counseling sessions when you guys moved. Sniff.

Thanks for coming to Livie's b-day party! And we'll be praying for you these next 7 weeks (may they not turn into 8 or 9...)

Shauna said...

You guys are so busy. How do you do it? I can't believe how big Noah is, he is so cute! I feel bad for you, being pregnant in the hottest summer of the century, or so it feels. Yuck! It's all worth it though. Love the blog!