Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Adjusting to life!

What a sweetheart! She just gets so comfortable in her carseat.

So life is getting a little more "normal," or at least we are adapting to the new
sleeping/eating schedule. As Gwen gets older (four weeks now!) she sleeps a
little better and she also isn't as fussy when she is awake, that is nice.

Who is this silly kid?
Noah just loves having his picture taken.

He just loves to make silly faces. Noah is also adjusting to mommy not playing with
him all the time. He is a sweetie, but he is also getting a little bit of an attitude because
he now knows what he wants and he doesn't want to stop until he gets it. This can
be a little frustrating at times, but he is a good boy.

What a cute little girl. The boys are going to have to watch out for this fireball!
I think she is going to have blue eyes.

Here is Noah again, apparently saying something very important like "Mommy, get me"
or "spider mommy, hide." He is starting to play pretend a little more, it is so cute.

Having two kids is really different. I don't know how my mom did it with nine children.
She must be a saint, her and all the other moms with a lot of kids.


Bart said...

It is different, huh! For what it's worth I think you're doing a great job, being a mom seems to come naturally to you. Your kids are lucky to have parents like you and Jason. Miss y'all!