Monday, March 3, 2008

16 hours of Sleep!

So Gwen was very tired last night. I put her down at 5 last night, just thinking that it was a nap before bed time. But no! She slept all night! He didn't wake up until 9 this morning. That's 16 hours!!! Unbelievable!

I was able to exercise this morning, shower, get ready, and even eat some breakfast before I finally checked on her to find she was awake, and starving!!

I am praying that this continues. But if not, I'll take a good night whenever I can get it.


Alexis said...

SO jealous - but I'm sure you earned it! :) Hope it continues!! The pictures of the kids are so cute!

Leslie said...

16 hours, what a shock! Our girls went from sleeping less than 7 hours to 12 hours in one night, and they never looked back! Here's hoping. :) I love those pics too, did Kiddie Kandids do them?

Zachary, Christen, and Chloe said...

WOW! That's really nice. I could use a break like that. Can't complain- Chloe usually sleeps 10 hrs a night and takes a good long nap in the afternoon. BTW- nice to meet you! I'm Jason's cousin Christen! :0) Love your blog (funny that we picked the same background!)

dustinandmaddy said...

oh my gosh that is amazing and so awesome! Mia would sleep all through the night once in a while but nothing like that when she was that age, its so great when you get to catch up on sleep